We are the TOP Sustainability Solution Provider in Europe

We are the TOP Sustainability Solution Provider in Europe

Exciting news! SolServices has been awarded as the TOP Sustainability Solutions Provider in Europe by the Applied Technology Review Europe Edition. With this, the company is leading the list of the TOP 10 Sustainability Providers in the Journal! This...
New Project at Mezőtúr

New Project at Mezőtúr

Please welcome our new project in Mezőtúr, our first-ever market acquisition project in Hungary  Stay tuned for more details!
Solservices at The Climate Summit

Solservices at The Climate Summit

Krisztina Kulcsárné Dr. Takács and Gábor Dr. Farkas at the Climate Summit Budapest!   Krisztina discussed sustainable financing; Gábor presented on nature-friendly solar parks.  Impressive contributions from these sustainability...